Our Culture
The gospel is the story of God reconciling and redeeming a broken creation and fallen creatures to Himself through the life, death, resurrection and future return of Jesus Christ. Our hope and desire is that the gospel would stand at the center of all that we do. It is what directs and defines us. It is our identity.
As believers, we are called to both celebrate and imitate Christ. This means ministry isn’t limited to the confines of a church building. Like Christ came into this world to make disciples, we are called to do the same. So while we do minister to one another, our deepest desire is to equip and encourage our church body to bring the gospel to their families, workplaces, neighborhoods and communities.
God has graciously allowed us to be part of what He is doing in our city, country and world. We have been given the privilege to send out missionaries and church planters and partner with and support churches and organizations – all to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We have opportunities to be ministers of reconciliation and spread the good news of the gospel.
You'll find that we seek to bring glory to God and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We hope you join us at a weekend service and consider making us your church family. We're not perfect, but fortunately, we've been saved by the One who is.